My Personal SWOT - an analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses .
· I am very creative and usually think randomly and generating simultaneous solutions , causes and effects to single or multiple related tasks .
· I speak sensibly and am very careful about what I say and usually give careful thought to what I am going to utter rather than giving a lot of irrelevant information.
· I am bent on succeeding in my filed of study , thus it is my ambition to bring life to a new world of technology , with a great input of my own .
· I tend to overwork myself at times , and can be wide awake for 48 hours , when I am focused on completing a task but my work will be highly accurate .
· Sometimes overloading myself with work , gives me fatigue and stress .
I may not be the best public speaker but when I am confident with my work and well prepared I tend to be a better speaker and the confidence outweighs the stammering and state of fear .
· From experience , self learning strategies have served me well , in a number of aspects , that include mathematics self tutoring and video tutoring of the know how of design techniques , with that in mind I would love to continue using this strategy to better my understanding and use this to better myself in my career .
I am participating in a number of online chat room sessions and blogs to enhance my skills in many aspects and to keep me aware of the changing world of technology and design and occasionally i physically research on the origins of certain technological advancement that i dream of contributing to .
People seem to all know what they are doing if you take one glance at them wherever you are , but this is far fetched and actually most people that are deemed to have tendencies of fast learning from particular continents for example Asia , are not as they seem , nonetheless I would never underestimate their levels of intellect and capabilities .I believe that if people look beyond places or people deemed to be the only inventors of certain aspects they will never grow , and i am willing to compete against the brains of a billion people to read my mind and tell me they knew what i was thinking . Discovery is unique and self gratifying action and is highly rewarding .
Many people are set backs in today’s industry and are being cut off , because of their inability to render or display unique qualities thus remain up to date and not be obsolete in terms of knowledge thus become liabilities to the growing and emerging economy of the world . As an individual I would like to remain unique inorder to avoid this .
I would like to boost my confidence levels and dissolve the little percentage of shyness and confidence that dwells within me .
To succeed in the world these days and in this century one needs to be unique since a lot of people have the ability to study and pass in certain areas of expertise , whether they like them or not , which is making employment in many different countries difficult . I am inspired by Steve Jobs , Michael Crichton , Steve Wozniak , Michael Dell , James Cameron , Steven King , Steven Spielberg and Jonathan Ive .
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