If the worst is to happen in life , it is considered to be normal to suffer depression , disappointment or temporarily questioning yourself about why you need to live ,or why you are alive . In everything that i will do there will be a risk and in everything that i have done in the past there was a consequence . Often poor utilization of time is a consequence and set back to everyone that , they would refuse to acknowledge but in reality there are always two choices .
Personally i feel i could have completed my studies by now if i had done one of the normal majors , that everybody does , like Business studies or psychology but that would not have been in my best interests . There are decisions in life that we make that change our lives forever for example , i pursued my first year of Secondary education at a good top ranking school in terms of facilities and sporting advancement but not intellectually , but i studied subjects that mostly were irrelevant to me like Latin , and i had to partake in compulsory sports , although i was a good athlete , short and medium distance sprinter to be precise , but one decision in my life to change schools to a mission boarding school enabled me to get first hand experience of how life was out of the city and how to associate with people of different social classes and discover the meaning of true companionship and the great things and saddening things that come to pass in life . The complex Lego pieces i put together as a child often got my teachers upset in that i built them alone and instead of building uniform pyramids or buildings that had a bigger base i would somehow manage to do it the opposite way or even link structures together and could not build anything with the other kids because they followed uniformity and logical reasoning . I have accepted how i am and cannot change that trait but instead i am embracing it , nothing gives me a thrill more than people appreciating my work .
by pursuing Technical drawing and joining a writers club . My creative nature and thirst to always design something unique , from other students and peers .
Though i have spent the last two years is a design degree that i did not manage to complete due to circumstances beyond my control in Malaysia , i always feel and look at the bright side of things , and i would describe myself as a toddler that discovered how to solve puzzles and took great interest in that thereof . I feel great about this personal trait and characteristic and wish to develop it further in a way that will be rewarding and meaningful to me . Goals in life are complementary and in order to excel i believe that i have to apply the same principle in everything that i do .
I would love to always find my own way of doing things .
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